Being A Good Example

A quick text reply to your spouse regarding dinner plans at a stop sign. A scroll through your Instagram timeline since it’s a red light. An email response to your boss while waiting for the kids in the pickup line at their school. 

All parents have been there. Sometimes it seems like the only spare time you have in a day is when behind the wheel. But the truth is, time behind the wheel is never spare time. Instead, it’s time which needs your entire focus to be on the task at hand. Driving.

As a parent, it can be tempting and easy to justify using technology while driving. Oftentimes, parents dismiss their behavior and say it doesn’t “count” since they only tech when stopped. But answering even a simple text produces a 27 second period of distraction. This process is called latency and it’s the amount of time it takes for your brain to reengage fully with driving (AAA). A quick text translates to half a mile of distraction when going 60 miles per hour. 

Most importantly of all, children watch their parents’ behavior. They see every text you send and every innocent scroll. They watch you, and they learn from you. Understanding the dangers of teching + driving allows you to not only be a better driver, you are also keeping your kids safe and teaching them habits which will save their lives in the future.




Meet Our Founder, Marci Corry.