Safe Driving Apps And Tools Minimize Distractions

While smartphones help us communicate with friends and loved ones, they can be a distraction while driving. Distracted driving caused more than 3,000 deaths in 2019 and is correlated with cell phone use while driving. 

According to the University of Utah, cell phone users are 5.36 times more likely to be involved in an accident than drivers who aren’t distracted. As of 2021, 25 states had laws that restrict handheld cell phone use while driving, so there are legal reasons to go hands-free, as well.

To reduce distractions behind the wheel, try these safe driving apps and tools. Some even pay drivers money to put down the phone while driving. The apps Drivemode, OnMyWay, SAFE 2 SAVE, TrueMotion Family Safe Driving, and I’m Driving include features to promote safe driving.


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